Hospitality Teams
Church members volunteer to cover the upstairs or downstairs duties for a given Sunday of the month (1st through 4th or 5th), preferably 2 people upstairs and 2 people downstairs. Contact the Fellowship Team if you'd like to volunteer. It's a fun way to get to know people and to be involved in church life!
Duties of the Hospitality Teams
- Downstairs, in Averill Parlors, before the service
- Plug in the coffee maker (cord above sink) and turn on the hot water (for the dishwasher) -- switch is near the door to the basement.
- Unload the dishwasher if it's full of clean dishes.
- After running a pot or two of hot water to make sure the coffee maker is ready, make coffee (usually at least two pots of caffeinated and one pot of decaf) and put it in the air pots. Plug in hot water for tea and put out a variety of teas (herbal, caf, and decaf).
- Put out cups, napkins, spoons, sugar, etc.
- Place refreshments (donated by team members) on a table in the center of the room. Typical refreshments might include, cookies, sweet breads, fruit, chips and salsa, crackers and cheese, veggies and dip.
- Lock the outside door to Averill Parlors (Silver Street side) before going upstairs.
- Upstairs, in the Sanctuary
- One or two people should be at the doors to the sanctuary approximately 30 minutes before the service. Wear your name tag.
- Unlock the front double doors and make sure the Lift switch is turned "On" to allow access from the Elm Street door.
- Welcome folks to the service with a friendly "Good morning" and a smile and give each family a copy of the "Order of Service" (there may not be enough for each person).
- See "Greeting New/Visiting People" below, if relevant.
- Arrange for a child to light the chalice (or light it yourself.)
- Close the doors, once the service is underway. At least one greeter should stay by the sanctuary doors in case there are any latecomers.
- During the "Story for All Ages," count the number of adults and children present and fill out the (small blue) Information Card. Put it in one of the collection plates.
- During "Joys and Concerns," deliver microphones to people who are speaking.
- Pass the (two) collection plates (requires four people) during the "Offering" and put full plates on the shelf in the back of the church.
- Open the sanctuary doors during the final hymn.
- Downstairs in Averill Parlors (mostly), after the service
- Put out last-minute refreshment items, such as refrigerated items, and remove any covers.
- Make additional coffee, refill creamers, etc. if necessary,
- Load the dishwasher with used cups, spoons, etc.
- Clean counters, floor, carpet,
- Turn on the dishwasher (soap in cupboard below sink). Wash some dishes by hand, if necessary. Fliip the hot water switch to Off.
- Turn out lights (downstairs and upstairs, if necessary).
- Make sure Lift is "Off" in the sanctuary (so no longer accessible from Elm Street).
- Make sure front double doors and lower door to Silver Street are locked. (Can exit through front double doors without a key, if necessary.)