Mailing Address: PO Box 435

Waterville, ME 04903-0435

(207) 873-4006

Universalist Unitarian Church of Waterville, Maine


69 Silver Street

Sunday 10 am Service

Please join us!


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Expectations for Active Participation


As partners in the spiritual community of the Universalist Unitarian Church of Waterville, we expect of ourselves and each other that we . . .


  • Commit to a life of meaning and purpose. Help to define and shape the mission and values of our church community. Embrace them and allow ourselves to be shaped by them.  Contribute to a social action, cause, or activity. Be a blessing to the world.
  • Come to worship and church activities. Attend Sunday services and other church events on a regular basis. Stay informed. Engage in our democratic process -- the health of our congregation depends on active participation at the Annual Meeting and other special meetings.
  • Help to keep things going. Volunteer to join a Hospitality Team (responsible for Sunday greeting, catering, etc. on a rotating basis), serve as a Worship Associate, light the chalice, read a children’s story, teach, join a committee or work group, respond positively to requests for help. Honor our commitments.
  • Give generously. Consider an annual gift in the range of 1–3% of our income with the goal of growing in generosity over time. Volunteer time, goods, and services to help achieve church goals.
  • Discover, nurture, and share our spiritual selves. Cultivate our own spiritual practice. Reflect on our understanding of Unitarian Universalism and how it applies to our daily life. Explore and articulate our core values and beliefs.  Support others on their spiritual journeys. Consider participating in a Small Group Ministry; meditation, discussion, or other spiritual interest group.
  • Foster the spiritual lives and development of our children. Acquaint ourselves with and support children, their programs, and their activities. If we have children in RE, take their religious exploration seriously. Commit to consistent program attendance. Know and support the volunteers who engage with our children. Reinforce their learning at home.
  • Honor differences. Everyone who is open to UU principles is welcome at our table. Honor and express our own differences. Honor and encourage expression of the differences of others.  Handle conflict responsibly by speaking directly to the person we have an issue with or ask for help in getting concerns addressed.  Bring our best selves to church!  Practice compassion, patience, tolerance, humility, and forgiveness.
  • Help to care for members of this community. We all need care from others. Acknowledge individual “joys and concerns” with a kind word or a card. Make our willingness to help (by providing meals, transportation, or other practical support) known to the Caring Committee.


Last updated August, 2019